Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Wiki Updates

I've been at THIS for hours today.

The "Fear & Terror" page is, I believe, done. The antagonists I have already shown you all have been uploaded along with notes on monsters included in True20 books. I have the two completed supernatural backgrounds up in rough draft form, and the raw text of the other backgrounds. I have a table that shows what an item's cost in pounds and dollars comes out to as a Purchase DC. I have outlines for my bibliography and the Stories chapter.


Lindsey Wilson said...

Good work so far! I am looking (a very little) into how to change around the menu lists and the like, all that left hand stuff. Most notably I spotted that the Last Changes page displayed the IP of the person making the alterations. This is standard behavior for a wiki, but would send most Mu* users into a screaming panic.

So I edited those lines out of the template. Please tell me if you spot anything else with that kind of display, or if the Last Changes page starts acting strange--it worked in all my testing, but I am not a php person of any kind.

Jason Tondro said...

I would never have noticed that business about the ISP, so thanks.

The only wierd hiccup I have yet seen is the one I noted on the Fear & Terror page, that led you to correct the table. Somehow, several paragraphs after the table got cut off, which resulted in you seeing the table not formatting properly. I managed to revert to the proper version, but still don't know how it happened in the first place.

Today I finished a Backgrounds 2.0, and put up pages for Ability Scores and Roles. I'm currently in the middle of doing Advancement but, as you can see, character creation is coming along nicely.