Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Feat namings

This is a relatively minor thing which has no overall system effect, but feat names must be less than twenty five characters to fit in the three-column display on a mu*. Any longer and they just get cut off. This affects relatively few feats--most notably Greater Attack Specialization got whacked down to Grt. Attack Specialization for lack of any better ideas. Others that I had to alter a little:

Improvised Weapon Proficiency was shortened to just Improvised Weapon
Armor Training (Battlesuits) was just changed to Battlesuit Training

Skills will need to be less than 29 characters, roughly speaking, to fit both the skill and the ranks and the ranks including attribute bonuses if I can ever figure out how to make that display. Right now that doesn't affect anything particularly, and even something crazy like Knowledge/Paleolepidoptery is only 25 characters long.

1 comment:

Jason Tondro said...

When we're inventing feats, I can happily adjust the "official" name of the feat to fit our code requirements. Battlesuit Training, for instance, sounds just fine to me.

When we're using feats from other sources, like Impromptu Weapon Training, I suppose we can just make a note on the Feat page on the wiki, adding any other name as an AKA in parenthesis. Which I can handle also.