Thursday, September 20, 2007

Bookshelf: Baedeker's Guide to London, 1885 edition

For all you Grid-Demons out there...

The entire text of Baedeker's Guide to London and its Environs (1885) edition is available, for free, from Google Books. The travel guide was scanned in from Stanford University Library. It's entire text is in the public domain, so you may quote it or snip images from it at will.

Flip through its pages or download the entire thing HERE.

The Crystal Palace is on page 293 of the original, pdf page 320.

London and Its Environs: Including Excursions to Brighton, the Isle of Wight ... By Karl Baedeker (Firm): "33 The Crystal Trains for the Crystal Palace leave London Bridge Station p 32 Ludgate Hill Station p 32 and VictoriaStation f 3l nearly every 1 4 hr Fares from each of these stations le 3d Is and 7d return tickets 2s Is 6d Is Admission to the Pa 5 lace Is Saturdays 2s 6d but in August September and Octo beŠ³ Is only return S tickets including the price of admission are 5 issued at the railway Jj stations and cost on g the Is days 2s 6d 2s and is 6d 5 5 On special occasions p Palace at Sydonham "


Trivia said...

Niiiice, dude! Awesome find.

Jason Tondro said...

Sadly, all the big city maps are not included in the scan/download.

So I am still looking for the perfect map.