Thursday, September 27, 2007

Reanimated Corpse

Since JD expressed interest in playing a Reanimated Corpse, I spent today drafting the rules for such a Background.

The Reanimated Corpse Background: HERE

It will be noted that supernatural characters -- including not only Reanimated Corpses, but also Mechanical Men and Beast People -- are intentionally designed to be unattractive to players. That is because such characters -- while possible -- should be rare. Rather than impose a hard ceiling on the number of such characters that can be played (a restriction that often goes awry when player activity and quality becomes an issue), the characters are instead made to be relatively inefficient in terms of effectiveness. In this way, min/maxers who wish to milk the game system will avoid supernatural characters. Only players who really want to play such "monster characters" will do so.


Midgardener said...

Muahahaha! Liking it. I'd note that Frankenstein's creation was not lacking in intelligence, though. After a while it seemed that it had little issue learning new languages (or any language, for that matter) and generally taking advantage of self-education.

What it did appear to lack was some common sense, detailed in this system by Wisdom. Offhand, I'd suggest +2 in both Strength and Constitution, balanced by -2 in both Wisdom and Charisma.

Jason Tondro said...

Changed the modifier from Int to Wis, but left the scores at +/-1 just to give players a bit more leeway of concept.

Thanks sir!